

Satisfy your water needs with water well drilling from our licensed water well constructors in Oregon. At Skyles Well Drilling, we do a thorough job that ensures your well is the proper depth for optimum water access, call us at (503) 656-2683 for more information.


The amount and quality of groundwater in an area can depend on yearly rainfall, geologic conditions, topography, distance to nearby wells, and surface water supply. You can learn about the quantity and quality of well water in your area from Skyles Well Drilling and local neighbors. We can help you estimate well depth, yield, and cost.
Oregon Water - Water Well Drilling in Oregon City, OR


Another useful tool for learning about your local groundwater is the water well report, often called a “well log.” Well logs are prepared by the well driller as required by Oregon water law and they provide information on geologic formations encountered in a well and they list details concerning well design, construction, and yields. They are a basic tool used in checking for groundwater availability.
Skyles Well Truck - Water Well Drilling in Oregon City, OR
Oregon Water Resources Department(WRD) has well logs for most of the water wells drilled in Oregon since 1955. However, the likelihood of finding records for wells drilled after 1970 is much higher than for older wells. Well logs are available on the State of Oregon's WRD Website.
From the home page, select “Find a Well Log.” There are numerous ways to query the information but the most useful way is to search under township, range, and section. The data for all of the wells in the section(s) will be displayed on the screen. Contact us with any questions. We are happy to assist.
You may view an image of the well log if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader™ on your computer. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at Adobe.com.


Skyles Well Drilling uses air rotary equipment to drill, deepen, and repair water wells for residential, commercial, and public use. By using rotary equipment, we assure that the job we perform is accurate so that you have continued access to your well water.
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