

Available for Real Estate transaction well water testing (PNA - total coliform bacteria, nitrate & arsenic testing) and well system inspection (2 Hour Flow Test) from Skyles Well Drilling in Oregon. We are a resource for real estate transactions when buying or selling a home. We are prompt and work hard to fit within your inspection deadlines. With our assistance, you can obtain the required testing and have a clear picture of the status of the well water and what may be needed to do to improve its quality.

Other Testing Available: (Please contact us for pricing)
PNA (basic potability) – Total Coliform bacteria, Nitrates, Arsenic.
Lead - If the home was built prior to 1986, and the piping has not been replaced.
Nuisance Package (common nuisances) – pH, Iron, Hardness, Manganese.
Water Treatment Package (expanded nuisances +PNA) – pH, Iron, Hardness, Manganese, Silica, Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, Sodium, Chloride, Sulfate, Electrical Conductivity, Coliform & E.coli Bacteria, Nitrates, Arsenic
Peace of Mind 1.0 (PNA + full spectrum test) - Coliform & E.coli Bacteria, Nitrates, Arsenic, Aluminum, Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Chloride, Copper, Fluoride, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Nitrate/Nitrite, Ortho Phosphate, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Silica, Sodium, Sulfate, Thallium, Uranium, Zinc, pH, Hardness, Electrical Conductivity


    Some simple well maintenance and record keeping will help protect the quality of your water and your well.


    Have a water sample analyzed for bacteriological quality at least once a year. Have a sample checked for chemical quality (such as hardness or specific conductance) every five years. Changes in water quality provide early warning of defective surface casing, seals, or contaminated aquifers. Many local water treatment or conditioning businesses and some local health department offices or independent laboratories will perform these tests for a fee.


    Do not store poisons, pesticides, petroleum products, or other hazardous materials in your pump house or near your well. Also, do not use the pump house to shelter animals.


    Periodically check the sanitary seal/well cap on top of the casing (well) to ensure it is in good repair.


It is recommended to have your well water tested once a year to ensure it is still safe to drink. 

Take care when working or mowing around your well and keep the top of the well at least one foot above the ground. Additionally, keep your well records, including a copy of your well log, pump information, water quality, and flow testing information in a safe place.

The landowner has the ultimate responsibility for maintenance of their well(s). If well construction problems are discovered that may contribute to contamination or waste of the groundwater resource, the Oregon Water Resources Department may require repairs or abandonment to eliminate the problem.

The department will look first to the well constructor to determine if the well was constructed to standards. However, if the constructor is unable or unwilling to perform the repairs, the landowner may assume the responsibility. Problems with the well, due to age or a change in site conditions, may require repairs or abandonment of the well, which are the responsibility of the landowner.

Request a free estimate from our water well drilling contractors in Oregon, for cost-saving inspections and testing.
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